Las mil y un "Sujeto, Creación y Producción del Conocimiento en Comunición"
My favorite subject Probably my favorite subjet in my first semester of journalism in the "Universidad de Chile" is "Sujeto, Creación y Producción del Conocimiento en Comunicación" About what\"s this subject? The thousand and one night, a book recommended in a text that we read for the subject and that Professor Claudia Villagrán recommended us to read. I found it for $ 1000 at the fair, it was great. Usually, we talk about how our life experiences, our context, and our different views of reality allow us to create completely different things. For example, in our last job, we had to create a story and justify why we created it that way (in my opinion it was very entertaining). We also talk about the narrator and how this evolves over time, as well as communication.In classes we usually watch videos or read about how our perspective on things can affect us, we also talked about communication processes, and usually our teacher, Claudia Villagra, recommended boo...