why journalism is important?

I study journalism because I believe that with this career you can help the world because you can show the problems that exist in the world: such as poverty, prostitution, abuse of power, corruption.

I see myself in the process of helping to give voice to minorities such as poor people, sexual dissidents, native peoples, migrants, and others. I also see myself working to demonstrate the injustices within the Chilean government and in turn going abroad or places that are de-globalized and help these most vulnerable sectors. 

From my perspective, when working with the media (specifical journalism) we become transmitters of information, so it is important that we do for and for the citizenry. From my perspective, by working with the media (specifical journalism) we become transmitters of information, that is why it is important that we do it by and for the citizenry. Our work is important as journalists cover everything from gossip to the presidential elections.

and this is all, have a nice day <3


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