Franca Sozzani,

 Franca Sozzani 

Franca Sozzani, fue editora en jefe durante 28 años de la revista Vogue, de 1988 hasta 2016.She graduated from literature and philosophy, completing his training in New York. She began his career working at Vogue Bambini, where he began to build a network of contacts with whom he would work 30 years later, three years later she directed the male version of the magazine "Per Lui". Since 1988 she was the director of Vogue Italia and since October 2006 she directed the male version L´Uomo Vogue.

cover of Franca Sozzani for Vogue Italia
Cover of Franca Sozzani
for Vogue Italia
She was the Condé Nast Italia publishing house director and since March 2013 she was president of the IEO Foundation (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia). In February 2010 she launched the Internet site Vogue., the first portal in the world dedicated to this publication.

In 2012 he received the American Award for the Italy USA Function.

Finally, she passed away at 66 after a long illness she had been carrying for a long time, leaving us a long legacy in the fashion industry.

I admire Franca Sozzani since she came very far and was a person who marked a change in fashion since she was the one who created the term supermodel. She was also an important woman in an industry -that despite the fact that at that time it was directed mainly for women- that is managed by privileged men and with money, that is why Sozzani opened a little this gap so marked in the industry of the fashion. She in turns herself, this same she used concepts such as cosmetic surgeries, bulimia, and various problems to create art through the covers of Vogue magazine 

And this is all, have a nice day <3


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