Biography of a Gemini

Birth information and School era:

As you know, my name is Fernando Sepúlveda, I was born in Peñalolen, Santiago Chile. Throughout my life I have gone to three primary schools, the first was the "Colegio Lorenzo Sazie" (it is a super catholic school, which was in the center of the city), the second was the "Centro Educacional Valle Hermoso"(i don't like talking about this school, probably because I suffered bullying during my time at this school) and finally went to "Colegio Matilde Huici Navas" where I really felt comfortable (a small school that was literally next to my house), and now we can talk about the present, I study journalism in the "Universidad de Chile" (And yup, I love this career, and I want to be a good journalist in the future).

            Simple things about my family:

here's venus being pretty
Actually, I don't like talking about my family but I will say the simple thing, I have two brothers, a woman (her name is Vanessa) she's 26 years old, and a man (his name is Felipe) he's 38 years old, and finally, my mother  (yup I don't have dad, but who needs a dad when u have an incredible mother?) she's really older, she's 58 years old, but she looks amazing (I think everybody would say that about her mother). I have two dogs, Ara and Gary, and my little kitty Venus (he's really cute). I don't have grandparents, but I have two uncles who play the role of grandfather and grandmother (I really felt bad not mentioning them because they're important to me).


A photo I took the last weekend
from my aunt's hands
(its means a lot for me)
uh! one of my hobbies (probably is really obvious) is write ( I think that is an advantage in journalism), I do running (but with the quarantine is hard to exercise on the outside), I like to read, one of my favorite books is "Farm Rebellion" by George Orwell or "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov, I like to draw and paint (I'm not the best in these areas but I try), and ( i don't know if is a hobby) but I love to listen to music (but I love listening to music (in fact right now I listen to "Florida Kilos" by Lana del Rey to feel more inspired, hahaha) and finally I like take pictures.

And this is it, I hope you have a good day (whoever is reading it).  :)


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